Friday, February 6, 2009

Story of a Pakistani exchange-student in US

When 16-year-old Komal Ali stepped off the plane from Karachi, Pakistan, last summer, she found few surprises."Everything was white and glamorous like all those movies we watch," Komal said. "It was modern and advanced. There were a lot of white people with blonde hair," she added.

Why does a high-achieving, outgoing teen that is close to her family and friends decide to live in another country halfway around the world?"I wanted to be on my own for awhile, explore my talents, and see what I am without my parents," Komal said. "In Pakistan, you live very dependent on your parents. No high school kid has a job in Pakistan. Their parents pay for all their stuff. I wanted to experience a different culture, and see the contrast between a third world country and a super power."Not that she didn't have a few concerns, or wasn't sad to leave Pakistan. "Will people be friendly? Will they be nice to me because I'm Muslim?" she wondered.

Some Pakistani parents don't want their daughters or sons going to America, Komal said, because "they might get corrupted or change their attitude." Her parents didn't feel that way, she said.

Komal competed with nearly 6,000 Pakistani students for one of 61 scholarships to live and attend school in the U.S. Students receive a one-year, fully funded scholarship plus a monthly stipend of $125 to cover expenses. They stay with host families.The YES program is a high school exchange program funded by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The goal is to build understanding between Americans and people from predominantly Muslim countries.The selection process involved an initial application, a test, a 15-minute panel discussion and an individual interview."During the interview, the judges see if you are capable, adaptive, friendly, and have a good sense of humor," Komal explained. "We all need to have these qualities to go to a new school and adjust to the culture."Then there was a 24-page application form, including documentation of straight A grades in English from sixth to 10th grade.

It was three or four months before Komal learned she had been accepted.Komal attends Sage Academy in Brooklyn Park. When she first came to Minnesota, she stayed with her YES community representative.

Komal became friends with Kysa Swedberg at school. "I asked her if she could host me, and she asked her parents, and they agreed," she said. Anne and Darwin Swedberg are Komal's host parents.Komal said her American classmates assume exchange students are smarter than they are. "They say, 'You don't look 16, you look 18 because you act so mature,' " Komal said.She has other perceptions of teenagers in the U.S. "A lot of American teens are immature," Komal said. "They are more into what the media say. They think everybody is superior. I think a lot of American kids are suffering from an inferiority complex."That's not the only thing. "I've noticed that all my American friends talk about is boys and sex. They don't in Pakistan. We usually talk more about academics and stuff going on at school," Komal said.Friendships are different here as well. "In Pakistan, you would give your life for your friends. But that's not really the case in America," Komal said. "They talk and hang out, but are not emotionally attached."She also thinks American teens should show more respect for their parents. "They are the ones who conceived you and took care of you as a child," she admonished.

Apart from that, Komal thinks her American friends are really cool, and she enjoys their company.Komal has noticed a number of stereotypes about Pakistanis that are prevalent in our culture."All the media show bearded men carrying guns. Pakistanis are really likable, hospitable and caring," Komal said. "If you ignore the pictures the media give you and come and live with them, you will see they are friendly."She says the neighborhoods and schools are nice, and most people like Americans. "It's not all about killings and stuff," Komal said.She mentioned a few other stereotypes that she feels are perpetuated by the American media. "Every Muslim man wears a turban. Not true! And every Muslim man is not a terrorist," Komal said.

She does not wear a veil, and neither does her mother. Komal said her family follows Islam on a regular basis, but are moderates, not extremists.Of the 61 students selected for the YES program, 40 are girls, and 35 don't wear veils, Komal said.

She was expecting U.S. schools to be harder than those in Pakistan. But instead, "It's a piece of cake. I got a 105% on my Algebra 2 test. That was a shock. I would never get that in Pakistan," Komal said.She was placed in the senior class at Sage Academy. When she returns to Pakistan, Komal will have to repeat her junior year, because they do not accept the American grading system.Besides hanging out with her American friends, Komal likes to cook, draw body art called henna (on hands, like a temporary tattoo), salsa dance and write.Saying she has "completely morphed" into American culture, Komal has enjoyed a number of firsts, like meeting people of other faiths, such as Jews and Christians."I learned more about these religions than I knew before," she said.She found her first Christmas "captivating" - from the beautiful Christmas tree to the mountain of gifts, to the excitement of giving and receiving gifts."In my religion, we celebrate Eid where instead of presents the elders give money to their kids," Komal explained. "Christmas Day reminded me of Eid. I personally think that Christmas helps the bonding between family members."She missed being with her family during Ramadan, the Muslim holiday, but she attended a mosque for Eid prayers, describing it as enchanting. "I never felt that close to my religion like I felt that day."She doesn't often get to Friday prayers, Komal said, "but I have started believing in my religion more than ever after coming to the U.S.!"Komal plans to get into A Levels for her last two years of high school in Pakistan, and then pursue a Chartered Accountancy program in college.

She highly recommends the exchange student program. "It's a great learning experience. You learn more about yourself and others. You get outside of your world," Komal said.


Pakistanis at AIT

Pakistani Hopes at AIT

By Prof. Dr. Mansoor Akbar Kundi • Jan 27th, 2009

It is quite some time that I have been as a visiting fellow to Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) as a visiting fellow to from University of Balochistan, Pakistan one of the schools having signed Memorandum of Understanding for linkage program in different academic fields. In the twilight of my career with teaching experience spanning around thirty years with four years graduate studentship in two of the American universities and of the even period as the visiting fellow to two of the Turkish universities, I find AIT as a nice different academic and social atmosphere with a mini Pakistan on its campus.

AIT is thoroughly a self finance educational institution with commercialization in the field of higher education. It offers graduate courses at Masters or leading to Ph.D from two to four years. It does not offer undergraduate studies, except short courses in English language or research and methodology/management. Founded in 1959 as “SEATO Graduate School of Engineering with a mission to develop highly qualified and committed professionals who will play a leading role in the sustainable development of the region and its integration” into the new capitalist world, its foundations were raised on funding and donations from different governments or its organizations which more than decades past reminds one more or less on each front building of the faculty with plats acknowledging the support provided by a government in its completion or renovation. Entering the main gate one can see on the left a big sign saying “these buildings were made by New Zealand”. The countries having provided massive support include US, Great Britain, Japan, Germany, Sweden and others.

Japan in 1979 provided a grant of more than $ 4.5 million for the construction of main library. Spending few hours in library realizes one its academic and research enrichment. In 1989, AIT was awarded Ramon Magsaysay Award for Peace and International Understanding for producing a large number of engineers and managers committed to Asia. Whatever the truth may be about the award, an orientation to group of important visitors is familiarized with the award.

Pakistan students comprise a sizeable portion of the overall students population which is at present 112 out of the total AIT strength: 2259 from more or less 38 nationalities. They rank second after Thai students; followed by India. They are active in different walks of the university — be it academic, sports and even union activities. The AIT Student Union present is a Pakistani, Akthar Nawaz Khan from telecommunication department; the Muslim Students Federation/Union Present is also a Pakistan; and obviously the one who leads the Pakistan Students Union.

Students from the University of Balochistan (UoB) constitutes a larger chunk of the Pakistani student population with its number having grown during the last two years. They all are government financed under the hugely financial package of Mega Project the UoB had from the Higher Education Commission (HEC) during the heyday of President Musharraf rule with Ata ur Rehman as the Chairman of the HEC with the rank equivalent of State Minister; the man behind the show of pumping huge funds into the allotment of foreign scholarship to thousands of students from Pakistan between 2002-2007 in walks of academic fields. The boon can also be justified as the Ata-ur-Rehman School of Thought with maximum efforts in the achievement of higher education for which he demanded more and more funds from government as the result of which
one can see Pakistan students on numerous foreign universities’ campuses, AIT being one of them. The things are less encouraging and hopeful for the future arrival of students after he resigned and government faced financial crunches.

The UoB mega project besides Masters and leading to Ph. D programs included shorter visits to AIT which ranged from 12 days training courses to four months language or certificate courses — all well suited to AIT as the self finance educational institution. It tries to suit the completion of course work for students irrespective their academic background one way or another. I noticed a number of students from U of B with Physics and Mathematics background studying Mechatronics. A person with such a degree will be hardly of any use upon his/her return to the parent university. “Will there be opened a separate department for them”? asked a student. “To him, he should have come only and only in the concerned field.

Compared to the number of disciplines on the number of students ratio wise, the AIT is probably number one. It ranges from Computer Science, Telecommunications, Information & Communications Technologies, Mechatronics, Microelectronics, water Engineering and Management, Water Engineering and Management, Information management, Structural Engineering, Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engineering, Energy, Business Administration, International Business etc. No matter from whatever provincial or ethnic background he may be, they form an integrated force with interaction with other students.

Sana ur Rehman Sheikh from the University of Balochistan is in process of completion of his Ph.D in International Business with six months left for the completion of his three year scholarship. He is worried of having hard-time in case the scholarship is not extended. Similarly, Mr. Mumtaz having come from remote area of Balochistan is in diploma courses but believes in completion of Master’s.

Speaking high of his teacher from Bangladesh, Dr. Mokbul in Regional and Rural Development Planning he is in expectation of having financial support from AIT in case of denial from U of B. Many Pakistani students I interviewed believed that the AIT should be considerate of providing financial students to Pakistani students with good academic record in case of the expiration of scholarship from their country. In wake of financial crises Pakistan is faced with and new command at HEC the students are fearful of future financial support. Dr. Said Irandoust, a man with galaxy of talents and challenge shooting techniques to have brought once drowning AIT in par with leading world schools, is believed to have been told by few of the students. They however speak high of the cooperation AIT administration show them in case of no arrival of funds from the parents institutions. It is more frequent now than was one year ago.


Postdoctoral fellowships at School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

Applications are invited for two Postdoctoral Research Fellows in the area of Learning Robotics and Adaptive Control as part of an EU-IST FP7 funded project. The posts are available from Mar. 2009 for a maximum of 34 months and located in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. Salary is on the UE07 scale (’£29,704-’£35,469) with annual increments and full staff benefits.
Placement for the post is according to experience and qualifications.
Post One: Robotics and Adaptive Control
The candidate is expected to have good fundamentals in control theory and most importantly, hands on experience with writing software and controlling robotic hardware. The appointee will be responsible for direct implementation of adaptive control paradigms on biophysical simulations and on state-of-the-art novel variable impedance actuators.

Post Two: Statistical Learning and Adaptive Control Theory
The candidate is expected to have a strong background in optimization, statistical learning and adaptive control theory and some familiarity of concepts such as direct policy learning, stochastic dynamic programming and optimal feedback control. An interest and knowledge of variable impedance strategies in human motor control is a definite advantage. The appointee will be responsible for development of effective adaptive control strategies and algorithms that exploit variable stiffness paradigms.

Both posts will involve traveling to project partner meetings around Europe, periodic reporting at EU reviews as well as attending and disseminating work at international conference. The post also assumes leadership roles and some level of PhD supervision on topics relevant to the project.

The successful candidates will have a PhD (or expected completion) in the area of (learning) robotics, probabilistic machine learning and/or adaptive motor control; strong mathematical skills in the area of optimization, algebra and control theory; strong programming skills in C, C++, MATLAB or equivalent; some experience with writing software and control of real hardware systems; a good understanding of adaptive control paradigms

More details of the job and the research group can be found at:

Applicants are asked to submit your curriculum vitae including a statement of interest justifying your suitability for the post you are applying for and contact details of two referees using the online application procedure at:

Application Deadline: February 20, 2009

Informal enquiries may be addressed to:
Dr. Sethu Vijayakumar ( )

PhD studentships at Hannover Medical School (MHH), Germany

Hannover Biomedical Research School, as part of Hannover Medical School (MHH), invites applications for PhD studentships, to commence in October 2009.

The three-year study programs, taught in English, are aimed at post-graduates in Medicine, Veterinary Medicine as well as those from Life Science fields. The PhD program “Regenerative Sciences” is also open to students from the various disciplines of Materials Sciences. As well as working on a 3-year research project, students also attend seminars, lab and soft-skill courses, congresses, symposia and summer schools. Successful candidates will be awarded a PhD, alternatively Dr. rer. nat. Scholarships are to be fully funded by the DFG (Excellence Initiative), MHH, partner institutes and their respective departments.

We are looking for highly-motivated candidates who have an active interest in one of the fields associated with one or more of the programs on offer. Excellent written and spoken English skills are required. With nearly two thirds of our students coming from outside Germany, international applicants are welcome. Deadline for completed applications is April 1st, 2009. Application forms to be found on the website below (NB. Please send us your preferences by clicking on the respective program in our online application process on

MD/PhD “Molecular Medicine”: The program aims to form a bridge between Science and the Clinic, in research as well as in teaching. For information on this program contact: Dr. Susanne Kruse (Tel: +49-(0)511-532-6011 / E-mail:

PhD Infection Biology: Students focus on the main topics in Infection, Immunology, Microbiology, Virology and Cell Biology. For information on this program contact Luise Fiegehenn (Tel: +49-(0)511-532-9742 / E-mail:

PhD Regenerative Sciences: Research and teaching concentrate on Developmental Biology, Stem Cell Biology, Biology of Ageing and Degeneration, Growth Factors and Other Regenerative Agents, Cell Therapy, Tissue Engineering including Materials and Natural Sciences, and Ethical as well as Regulatory Implications. For information on this program contact Dr. Daniela Pelz (Tel: +49-(0)511-532-5206 / E-mail:

Scholarships for Master in Software Engineering in Estonia

Estonia is well known for its eagerness in embracing technology driven innovation. It is a pioneer in electronic identity, electronic voting, and vigorous in adopting mobile technology, online banking and electronic government services. Estonia is also home to internationally successful IT innovations as well as a groundswell of IT ventures. The program will expose students to this exciting environment and provide them with skills in innovative and cutting-edge software technology.

At least six scholarships are available for foreign students to enroll in the newly created Master’s of Software Engineering at University of Tartu, Estonia, This program will be jointly offered by Estonia’s two major universities: University of Tartu and Tallinn University of Technology.
General admission requirements:
1. Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in Information Technology, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, Information Systems or a related field.

Applicants with a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics or Natural Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Business and Economics must have completed at least 24 ECTS in Information Technology, including courses in Programming, Database Technology and Software Engineering.

2. Proof of English language proficiency is required from international applicants for whom English is not a native language. One of the following is accepted: TOEFL 550 or higher (computer based - 213, internet based - 79/80); IELTS 6.5; Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English - C; Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English - B.

Application process: The application process will be managed by the University of Tartu, which is the main coordinating institution.

To apply: Applicants are required to fill in an online application and post the signed application and required documents listed below to the International Student Service:
University of Tartu,
Ülikooli 18,
Tartu 50090, ESTONIA.
Documents to be submitted:* application; (can be found at )
* completed and signed application form for ( )
* copy of the Bachelor’s diploma (or highest study level) and diploma supplement (transcript/mark sheet) in the original language (a copy certified by the educational institution issuing the document or a notarized copy);
* official translation of the diploma and diploma supplement (transcript/mark sheet) into English, translation certified;
* non-EU applicants only: certified copy of the upper secondary school certificate and list with grades;
* non-EU applicants only: official translation of the upper secondary school certificate and list with grades into English, translation certified;
* official test results of English language proficiency. For more information, please check:
* copy of an identification document.
Applicants will receive confirmation upon receipt of their application and its status.
Completed applications will be considered by the Admission Commission and students accepted into the program will be notified of their admission soon after.

Application deadline:
EU applicants - June 1
non-EU applicants - April15

Language of instruction: English
Program duration: 2 years; possibility of credit transfer is available to graduates with a 4-year Bachelor’s degree

Tuition fees and scholarships: The program fee is €3300/year and covers tuition, essential study materials, supervision and advice for thesis preparation. All students admitted in 2009/2010 will be automatically considered for a scholarship covering full tuition for 2 years of the program.

Additionally, a stipend of €2550 per year will be granted to some students based on academic merit.

Additional information:
University of Tartu
Tallinn University of Technology

PhD Scholarships in NanoBioTechnology at Center for NanoScience (CeNS), Munich

The International Doctorate Program “NanoBioTechnology” offers doctoral scholarships for outstanding graduate students, starting on October 1st, 2009. Successful candidates will work in the stimulating interdisciplinary environment of the Center for NanoScience(CeNS) based in Munich and become members of the Elite Network of Bavaria. The PhD students will be supervised by principal investigators of CeNS and will be affiliated with the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU), the Technical University Munich (TUM) or the University of Augsburg. The recommended duration of the PhD is 3 years.


Applicants should hold a Bachelor Degree or equivalent in either the field of physics, chemistry or life sciences and should have finished or prepare for a Master Degree in one of the same fields to be concluded no later than summer 2009. Excellent grades and a very good command of the English language are important prerequisites. We furthermore expect strong scientific motivation and interest in the activities of the doctoral program and interdisciplinary research.

How to Apply

Applications for the program must be submitted together with a statement of interest in one specific PhD project offered by a principal investigator of CeNS. Further PhD projects might be arranged in direct agreement with a group leader of CeNS. For your application, two letters of reference are required. Templates are available for download. The letters should be sent by email to the program office by the referees and not by the applicant!

For more information:

Various Master Scholarships at University of Sussex, UK

The University of Sussex has introduced a range of new masters programmes in International Security. The programmes are taught across four departments and build upon a strong foundation of interdisciplinary. The programmes are set out below and examine the relevant issues from a challenging and critical perspective.

Application deadline is May 1, 2009.For more information visit:

LLM Law and International Security

MA Conflict, Security and Development

MA Geopolitics and Grand Strategy

MA International Security

MA Strategic and Security Studies

MSc Security Technologies and Systems

To mark the launch of the new programmes a number of scholarships are available to students who possess the highest academic ability and potential. The closing date for scholarships is 1 May 2009.

To apply for a scholarship visit

Post-doctoral positions at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

We are inviting highly qualified candidates to apply for two Post-doctoral positions, for a period of 3 years. You will be researching in the fields of Digital Signal Processing, Acoustics, and Vibration Physics. The research team led by Profs Andy W. H. Khong and Gan Woon Seng will train and equip you with the relevant research skills. This research is supported by the National Research Foundation Singapore.

You will conduct leading-edge research in the fields of digital signal processing for in-solid acoustic propagation which will be developed for our next-generation human-machine interface STATINA. You will be working as a team and be largely responsible for the investigation of how acoustic waves propagate in solid medium. Utilizing these properties as well as signal processing knowledge, you will develop state-of-the-art algorithms for the localization and tracking of moving sources across different mediums so as to operate in-house developed software applications. Secondary job function includes the opportunity to develop soft-skills such as leading Ph.D. students and Research Assistants as well as to drive the research team in developing new algorithms.

Specifically we are looking for expertise in these technological areas with the following detailed responsibilities.
A. Signal Processing: Source localization and Tracking
You will be expected to understand or have experience in developing source localization algorithms such as, for example, time-differences-of-arrival (TDOA) as well as time-reversal. Knowledge and experience in tracking algorithms such as the use of Particle filtering/ Kalman based filtering will be advantageous. Based on the wave propagation theories, you will be expected to develop state-of-the-art source localization and tracking algorithms in the presence of multipath reflections in non-homogeneous medium. Your contribution in this field will be employed by STATINA’s touch interface.

B. Vibration Physics
You will be expected to investigate how waves propagate in different solid mediums such as glass, wood and paper. Wave propagation within such materials will be analyzed and their multipath effects will be studied and reported. More specifically, you will investigate how non-homogeneity in mediums affects the wave propagation in solids. You will also be responsible for investigating theories such as acoustical holography. Such theories will aid and support the robustness of source localization and tracking algorithms for human-machine applications. Your contribution in this field will be employed by STATINA’s touch interface.

C. Research Activities
Other research activities include participating in international conferences, research collaboration with overseas collaborators (Georgia Tech., Northern Illinois University) and local industries (SingHealth, MINDEF), setting up of a demonstration system and generating top-tier publications and research progress reports as required by the National Research Foundation in Singapore.

D. Job Requirements

* Ph.D. degree with good honors in Electrical/Electronics/Computer Engineering/Physics

* Excellent track record in terms of publications

* Proficient in MatLab and C/C++

* Fluent verbal and written communications in English

* Strong analytical, mathematical and conceptual abilities

* Able to work independently or in a team in the realization of the R&D work

* Able to commit 3 years of full-time in the project

To apply: Suitably qualified applicants are invited to send in their application via email. Completed application forms with detailed resume, a full list of research publications and statement of interest (cover letter) may be submitted by email to:

Asst. Prof. Andy W. H. Khong
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
50 Nanyang Avenue
Singapore 639798

PhD Studentships in Signal Processing and Statistics at Cambridge

Man Group PhD Studentships are available to three-year PhD students (whether UK/EU or overseas) in the Signal Processing and Communications Laboratory (Department of Engineering) or the Statistical Laboratory (Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics), whose research is statistical in nature and involves a significant practical data modelling component.

The Studentships provide 'top-up' awards of 9,000 a year for three years (27,000 in total) in order to supplement other funding sources. Three Studentships are available to start in the academic year 2009-10, (subject to final confirmation of funding) and three more to start in each of the two following years. They will be awarded to the most outstanding PhD students who meet the above criteria. Current applicants who meet the criteria will automatically be considered.

The Studentships are supported by Man Group plc, a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and the FTSE4Good Index. Man also supports many awards, charities and initiatives around the world, including sponsorship of the Man Booker literary prizes and the Man Group International Climate Change Award.
Application Procedure:Signal Processing and Communications Laboratory: Applicants should apply formally for admission as a Ph.D. student in the Department of Engineering /admissions/ .
Applicants for these awards should register their interest by contacting Rachel Fogg ( and should include details of their funding position. Further information on the Signal Processing and Communications Laboratory can be found here: .Statistical Laboratory: Applicants should apply formally for admission as a Ph.D. student in the Department of Pure Mathematics & Mathematical Statistics .
Applications for these awards should be sent directly by email to Dr. R. Nickl at the Statistical Laboratory to include details of the applicant's funding position.

Further information regarding the Statistical Laboratory can be found at .

Deadline for applications for 2009-2010: 30th April 2009Interviews will be held in May 2009
The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity. and_Statistics/

PhD Grants for Research Assistantship in Spain

Our Research Assistant positions offer young, aspiring researchers a salaried position in our research team whilst undertaking their PhD at a leading Madrid University, such as University Carlos III of Madrid, for up to four years, subject to satisfactory performance.

Graduates applying for this position should have the following attributes:
BSc, MSc or equivalent in Telematics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or a related field
Excellent academic transcripts
Clearly defined Statement of Purpose for Masters/PhD research thesis
Excellent level of spoken and written English
Highly motivated
* The University Carlos III of Madrid’s admissions office couldrequire you to complete all or part of their Masters course as acondition of your admittance to the PhD course (subject to youracademic qualifications)

Key Dates in 2009 Application ProcessFebruary 20th (18:00 CET): Deadline for receipt of applications
February 27th: Notification to shortlisted candidates
March 2nd – 18th: Telephone interviews
March 26th: Offers made to successful candidates
Successful candidates will enjoy the following benefits:

Freedom to focus on your research work, with full administrative support
Collaboration with leading experts on international research projects
Supervision throughout your PhD by one of our researchers, such as the world-renowned and award-winning scientists Dr. Nick Maxemchuk, Dr. Marco Ajmone Marsan and Dr. Arturo Azcorra
Use of state-of-the-art resources and facilities
Collaborative, multi-cultural and English-speaking environment
Participation at international conferences and project meetings
Assistance with all aspects of immigration and relocation
Support to take innovations to market
Salaried position for up to 4 years
All PhD program fees paid
Access to comprehensive healthcare
Total combined value of financial package of more than 130,000 Euros over four years

PhD Scholarships in Chemical Sciences at University College London

Applications are invited for our three year research programmes leading to the degree of PhD.

The department deadline for recommending the applicants for scholarships for overseas students for 2009 entry is 1 March 2009 so you should aim to submit your application by the middle of February to give it time to be considered and processed.

Competition is extremely high for the overseas scholarships so you will need to have the equivalent of a first class honours degree from a recognized university. You should have achieved the standard level on the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) which would be an overall grade of 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 in each of the subtests.

The Department performed very impressively in the latest RAE appraisal with every submission being ranked as internationally recognized or better which means that even members of staff that are in the very beginning of their career are world class.

Prospective candidates are expected to contact members of the academic staff working in their fields of interest via.

Our main research activities are in the following areas:Chemical Biology
Chemical Physics
Chemical Magnetism
Computational Chemistry
Crystallography/ Industrial Materials
High Performance Scientific Computing
Inorganic and Materials Chemistry
Synthetic Organic Chemistry

Further information on our research programmes is available from

The department has world class facilities in the areas of scanning probe microscopy, x-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, mass spectrometry, NMR, XPS, ultra fast laser spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, computational chemistry, time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, attosecond science, FTIR RAIRS spectroscopy, and thermal imaging. The Department also makes extensive use of national and international neutron and synchrotron radiation facilities.

Close collaborative links exist with industry and other university departments in the UK and abroad.

Applications can be filled out on line athttp://www.ucl.

and information on English requirements are at .

You may contact Mary Lou Jabore ( who is happy to answer questions about the admissions process and funding opportunities available.

Asian Development Bank to contribute for Pakistan’s education

World leaders unanimously support Pakistan’s comprehensive approach to tackle terrorism: Gilani

……………………………….The ADB president promised to favourably consider his bank’s lead role in forming a consortium to finance the Diamer Bhasha Dam Project. He also promised to look into the request for the continuation of HEC’s postgraduate scholarship programme and for establishment of the engineering universities in Pakistan in collaboration with West European and East Asian institutions of excellence and funding for setting up of vocational and technological training institutions……………….


Scholarships for Photojournalists from South Asia

Foundry Photojournalism Workshop announces The Travel Photographer’s scholarships! These are for help with tuition to the Foundry Workshop 2009, in Manali, Indian Himalaya.

The terms and conditions of the scholarship are:

1. Full scholarship of $450 for a South Asian photojournalists. (South Asian countriesinclude India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Afghanistan, and Tibet.)

2. Partial scholarship of $450 for a photojournalist of any nationality.

3. The scholarships are only available to photojournalists who have 5 years or less offull or part-time work experience.

4. To apply for The Travel Photographer’s scholarships, email 5 of your photographs to( with your email header “FPW-TTP scholarship”, including a shortbiography and a brief statement as to what your work objectives are. The photographsshould be no more that 500 pixels on their long side and a resolution of 72 pixels/inch.

5. The application process starts on February 3 and closes on April 3, 2009. The winnerwill be announced on April 15, 2009.


US Consulate’s ACCESS English Program for Pakistani students

U.S. Diplomat Launches Access English Program In Bahawalpur

Bahawalpur: U.S. Consulate Lahore Principal Officer Bryan D. Hunt emphasized "the need for better English communication skills in the contemporary world" as he formally launched the English ACCESS Micro-scholarship program in Bahawalpur on Tuesday.
"The success of ACCESS programs around the country encouraged us to expand it to Bahawalpur, where it will reach 300 students, and provide them with the English language skills so necessary to compete for college admissions and jobs," remarked Mr. Hunt after being received by Dr. Aslam Adeeb, Chairman of the Pakistan Reading Association. Under a one-year grant, the U.S. State Department is providing assistance worth $86,670 to the Pakistan Reading Association to teach English to 300 school children at five centers in Bahawalpur.
"Learning English through a program linked with the U.S. Consulate in Lahore will provide these bright students with a new window on American values and culture that will enhance trust and understanding between our two nations," stated the U.S. diplomat as he presented certificates of participation to students at the Government Boys Cantt High School, Kali Puli.
The English ACCESS Micro-scholarship Program is an initiative of the U.S. State Department that provides an American-style classroom experience to underprivileged youth around the world. The goal of this program is to adequately prepare bright students in written and spoken English so that they can gain admission to Pakistan’s universities, thus permitting them to compete more effectively with students who have studied in English-medium schools.
The first ACCESS program in Pakistan was started in 2004 in Lahore. Based on the extraordinary success of this pilot project, programs were also initiated in Karachi, Peshawar, Multan, Rawalpindi and Gwadar. Approximately 1500 students are benefiting from this program.

Source: Pakistani newspapers and media