Thursday, January 13, 2011

Various Scholarships at University of Sheffield, UK

Undergraduate Scholarships
For All Students:

· Scholarships worth £2000 per each year will be awarded to all students who are interested to pursue the following courses:

Automatic Control & Systems Engineering, Chemical & Biological Engineering, Civil & Structural Engineering, Computer Science, Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering/Aerospace Engineering.

Animal and Plant Sciences, Biomedical Science, Chemistry, Mathematics and Statistics, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Physics and Astronomy, Psychology.

· Scholarships worth £1500 per each year will be awarded to all students who are interested to pursue Law or Management courses.

· Merit Based Only

Scholarships worth £6500 per each year will be awarded to two Pakistani students who are interested to pursue their undergraduate studies at Sheffield. This is purely merit based. The deadline for this scholarship is 22nd April 2011. Scholarships will be announced 20th May 2011.

Postgraduate Scholarships at Sheffield

For All Students:

£1,000 each for students studying Nanotechnology courses (jointly run with the University of Leeds)

£1,500 each for students paying fees between £10,940 – £12,100

£2,000 each for students paying fees of £12,101 and upwards

Merit Based Only

Scholarship worth £6500 will be awarded to one Pakistani student who is interested to pursue their postgraduate studies at Sheffield. This is purely merit based. The deadline for this scholarship is 24th June 2011. Scholarships will be announced 1st August 2011.

Postgraduate Research Scholarships

For available scholarships for PhD research programmes, please visit the following web-page:

Postgraduate Scholarships in France

The International Scholarship Program of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan is aimed at foreign students who are currently studying or have studied and obtained their most recent qualification outside of France. This programme is aimed at students in their final year of a Masters degree as well as PhD levels. The grant amounts to 1000 euros/month, for a duration of stay of 6 to 12 months. Applications are now open and close January 16th 2011. For more information visit their website :

Study Subject: any, except the Design and the Economics and Management master programme

This scholarship is offered annually to 2 people. Open for applications until January 16, 2011.
Payment Information

The value of this scholarship is XPF1000 (maximum per month). This award is to be used for living expenses. This scholarship is paid monthly for the period of 1 year.
Research Information

This scholarship is for any field of research. This scholarship is for study in France.

Application Details
To apply for this scholarship you must consult the scholarship web site. Terms and conditions are subject to change. Always confirm details with scholarship provider before applying.

Main Contact
Relations internationales
Ecole normale supérieure de Cachan

More info:

Post-graduate Scholarships at Ireland

International Scholarship By The Irish Government in the field of Science, Technology and Engineering- Eligibility: IRCSET’s schemes support basic research in the broad areas of Science, Engineering and Technology. Research which is deemed not to fall within this remit is not eligible for funding.
Under this scheme IRCSET offers opportunities for suitably qualified individuals to pursue a postgraduate degree by research in a recognised third-level institution.

The IRCSET postgraduate competition does not accept applications from:
a. Those currently registered as Ph.D. candidates
b. Those currently registered for a Masters degree (by research) with the exception of:
i. Individuals in the Institute of Technology (IOT) sector in receipt of Strand 1 funding wishing to transfer to the Ph.D. register (in this case, IRCSET will support these individuals for up to a maximum of 2 years i.e. total postgraduate funded research including strand 1 funding cannot exceed 3 years)
ii. Individuals registered for a Masters degree (by research) intending to complete and submit for this award and begin a significantly new research proposal to Ph.D. level

The Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (IRCSET) ‘EMBARK’ Initiative and the Enterprise Partnership Scheme (EPS) offer opportunities for suitably qualified individuals to pursue a postgraduate degree by research.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 16-Feb-2011

The Scheme supports basic research in the broad areas of Science, Engineering and Technology.
Scholarships are awarded only to those who will engage full-time in research during the period of the award.

For more information:

United World Colleges Scholarships by Abu Dhabi Education Council

ADEC launches scholarship programme

ABU DHABI — The Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC), on Wednesday, launched the United World Colleges (UWC) Scholarship admissions for 2011.
The scholarship offers Emiratis the opportunity to complete Grades 11 and 12 and earn an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma from one of the most internationally recognised secondary education programmes in the world.

ADEC-UWC scholars selected to participate in the programme will have the chance to study in one of 13 international locations - Italy, UK, the Netherlands, China, India, Singapore, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Norway, Canada, US, Costa Rica, Venezuela or Swaziland.

Sindh Government to provide scholarships for Top Scorers

KARACHI , The Sindh Assembly on Tuesday unanimously passed a resolution that the Sindh government would offer scholarships till graduation to the students who secure top score in Matriculation and Intermediate exams.

The private day of session started on Tuesday at 10:10am with Deputy Speaker Shehla Raza in chair. MPA of Muttahdia Qaumi Movement (MQM) Mohammad Alim-u-Rehman moved the private resolution about scholarships. He said that in the developed countries, governments invest in clever students in the shape of scholarship and other incentives. He said the Sindh government should follow these positive steps of the other governments and announce giving scholarships students getting top score in Matriculation exams. Minister for Finance Murad Ali Shah endorsed the resolution. However, he suggested that not only the students of the matriculation but also the students of Intermediate should also be covered in the resolution. On this, Speaker gave ruling for the amendment and it was passed, unanimously. Earlier, taking part in the debate, MPA Munawar Ali Abbasi said that he fully supported the resolution and government should start giving scholarships to position holder students. Dr Ahmed Ali Shah, Arif Mustafa Jatoi, Minister for Power Shazia Marri, Minister for Women’s Development Tauqeer Fatima Bhutto, Rasheeda Panhwar, and others also admired the resolution.

Leader of the Opposition Jam Madad Ali supported the resolution and said that students of the province will be encouraged with these scholarships. Later, MQM MPA Zareen Majid tabled a private resolution that Sindh government would take special measures to disburse the sugar cess collection from sugar mills for the welfare and development of area where such mills are established. She said that sugar mill owners enjoy profits of billions of rupees but the people in sugarcane areas lack even the basic facilities. She said that government should make a plan in order to develop these areas where with the sugar cess funds. Provincial Finance Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah said that there are local development committees under every District Coordination Officer (DCO) and funds recovered from the sugar mills regarding the development of that area are transferred to these committees, hence, the draft of resolution should be corrected keeping in view this fact. Parliamentary leader of MQM Syed Sardar Ahmed said that the issue is that many sugar millers are even not paying these funds. Syed Murad Ali Shah, accepting the version of Syed Sardar Ahmed, urged the resolution should be redrafted to make it acceptable for whole House.

Earlier, MPA of Pakistan Muslim League Quaid-e-Azam (PML-Q) Shahryar Khan Mahar tried to table a privilege motion against the administration of Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Sukkur but the deputy speaker Shehla Raza did not allow it on technical grounds. PML-F MPA Nusrat Sehr Abbasi tabled an adjournment motion that Education and Literacy department of Sindh had discontinued the services of the more than 7000 employees who had been working in the department on contract basis which is injustice and will increase frustration among the people of the province. She said that Sindh Government is not giving the people new jobs so those who are already employed should not be sacked. Senior Minister for Education and Literacy Pir Mazhar-ul-Haq said that his department is advertising these vacancies on permanent basis, adding the government will give preference to the sacked employees in recruitment. Pir Mazhar requested Ms Abbasi to withdraw her motion.

On his request, MPA Nusrat Sehr Abbasi announced to withdraw the adjournment motion. MPA of National People’s Party (NPP) Arif Mustafa Jatoi tabled a motion for leave to introduce the private Bill No 12 of 2009 - The Sindh Local Government Ordinance (Amendment) Bill. Jatoi said that there is no any MPA in the body of Provincial Finance Commission so that MPAs should be made members of the commission and Leader of the Opposition also be made its member. Minister for the Finance Syed Murad Ali Shah said that the federal government has not included opposition leader in National Finance Commission so why we should do this. He said the Provincial Finance Commission is giving funds to the district governments and these committees are working in districts so there is no need of including MPA in the provincial Finance Commission. Deputy Speaker gave ruling for the voting on the motion and house rejected it.
Arif Mustafa Jatoi has tabled another motion for leave to introduce the private Bill No 4- of 2010-The Sindh Advisors (Appointments, Powers, Functions, Salaries, Allowances, and Privileges) Amendment bill. He said that after the passage of 18th Amendment, Chief Minster has no power to appoint more than five advisors in any province but the Chief Minister Sindh Syed Qaim Ali has appointed as many as 15 advisors and he should reduce the number of his advisors as per the constitution. Minister for Law and Parliamentary affairs Mohammad Ayaz Soomro, however, opposed the idea. He said after the passage of 18th amendment things are being taken step by step. He said that Sindh government will also implement all requirement of the constitution, steps by step. Deputy Speaker gave the ruling for voting on the motion and it was rejected by the House. Many other items remained on the order of the day but the chair adjourned the session till 10:00 am of 12th January on Wednesday.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

PhD fellowship in Nitrogen-cycle in Anoxic Groundwater Systems at Denmark Technical University

The overall aim of the PhD fellowship is to close the gaps in our knowledge on the anaerobic degradation pathways of nitrogen compounds in anoxic groundwater systems.

Scientific focus of the announced PhD position
Elevated inorganic nitrate concentrations in aquatic environments can cause significant impacts on aquatic ecosystems and human health. Nitrate concentrations in groundwater have increased over the past decades due to increased agricultural activity that is directly linked to food production. In addition many other sources such as municipal wastewater can also contribute to nitrate contamination in groundwater and surface water. To assess the chemical history of nitrogen-compounds in groundwater, stable isotope technique has proven to be a powerful tool in environmental science.

The research questions will primarily be investigated using microcosm experiments linked to field investigations. The project will analyze the dominant sources and sinks of nitrogen in groundwater and their degradation pathways using stable isotope technique.

At the date of appointment candidates must hold an MSc degree in natural science (e.g. bio/geochemistry, microbiology, hydrology), preferably with a strong background in biogeochemistry in hydrogeological or marine systems. The successful candidate must be an efficient team worker, have good communication skills, and have a critical approach to formulation and testing of hypotheses. Practical experience and a wish to work in the field and in the lab is a prerequisite.

The scholarship is open to both Danish and international applicants.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 31 January 2011

Further information:

Scholarships at University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia

The University of New South Wales offers the following prestigious scholarships to international students of exceptional research potential to undertake a higher degree by research at the University of New South Wales in 2011

International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS)
Scholarships available for PhD and Masters by Research in all disciplines
University International Postgraduate Award (UIPA)
Scholarships available for PhD and Masters by Research in all disciplines
Tuition Fee Scholarship plus a Faculty Research Stipend
Scholarships available for PhD, Masters by Research and for Masters of Philosophy (in selected disciplines depending on Faculty research areas)
Tuition Fee Scholarship
Scholarships available for PhD, Masters by Research and Masters of Philosophy (in selected disciplines depending on Faculty research areas). This scholarship is only available to students who are sponsored by their home country with a living allowance/stipend with a minimum value of $10,000 per annum.
Scholarship Application Deadline: Applications will start in late January

Bachelor and Master scholarships at Czech Republic

Scholarship Awards within the Foreign Development Assistance Programme - offer for the academic year 2011/2012

General information on the scholarship programme:
The Government of the Czech Republic offers a number of scholarships within the framework of its Foreign Development Assistance Programme in support of the study of foreign nationals from developing countries at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic.

These so called Government Scholarships are designed to cover the standard length of study:

1) in Bachelor/Master study programmes plus one-year preparatory course of the Czech language (which is combined with other field-specific training). Government scholarships of this category are awarded to graduates from upper secondary schools who can enrol only in study programmes in which they follow instruction in the Czech language. Depending on the subject area, applicants are normally required to take entrance examinations at the respective institution of higher education. The scholarship award is conditional upon a successful passing of entrance examinations;


2) in follow-up Master study programmes or Doctoral study programmes. Government scholarships of this category are awarded to graduates of Bachelor or Master study programmes, respectively, who enrol in study programmes with instruction in the English language.    

Study Areas Available in English

1) Economics
follow-up master study programme Economics, Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague (;
doctoral study programme Economic Theories, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University in Prague (;
2) Informatics
follow-up master study programme Informatics, Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague;
follow-up master study programme Information Management, Faculty of Informatics and Management, University of Hradec Králové (;
3) Agriculture
follow-up master study programme Natural Resources and Enviroment, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (; follow-up master study programme Forestry, Water and Landscape Management, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (; follow-up master study programme Technology and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (; doctoral study programme Chemistry (Agriculture Chemistry), Faculty of Agronomy, Mendel University in Brno (;tag=67).

Scholarship applications together with the required attachments are to be submitted to the appropriate Czech Embassy in the applicant’s country before the deadline set by the Embassy so that the applicants’ dossiers reach the respective Czech authorities (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport) by 15 January each year.

Students who, at the time of application, stay in the Czech Republic may submit the respective documents to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department for Development Co-operation, by 31 December of the preceding year at the latest.

Foreign nationals who have been granted permanent residence in the Czech Republic are not eligible to apply for Government scholarships.

A limited number of scholarships is offered to students from developing countries who file their applications with the respective National UNESCO Commissions. For contact information on individual local offices see (and search under the heading Communities, National Commissions).

Applications sent directly to the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport will not be processed.

Prospective applicants are advised to address their inquiries concerning, among others, their eligibility and closing date for applications to the Czech Embassies in their countries.
The prospective applicants are advised to peruse the instructions before applying.  

For further information:

Korean government's reduction in scholarships

Korea to cut scholarships for foreigners 

By Kang Shin-who

The Korean government plans to cut its full scholarship program for foreign students, who receive money for university tuition, housing and monthly allowances, by 40 percent.

An official at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology said Monday that some 400 foreign nationals, 300 fewer than this year’s 700, will be eligible for the scholarship program in 2011.

“Due to a shortage in the annual budget, we have to cut down the number of government-invited students. Instead, we will select highly qualified students to improve the quality of the program,” the official told The Korea Times.

The number of foreign students on the program, jumped to 745 in 2008, from 133 in 2007; it fell to 504 in 2009, before rising again to 700 this year.

A total of 2,000 foreigners are studying here under the state program as of this year.

The ministry is considering removing the “grace period” for program participants in order to save money. If they fail to pass their courses, master’s and doctorate degree seekers are able to extend their stay here by a semester and year, respectively.

With the aim of making state scholarships a Korean national branding project similar to the Fulbright Program, the ministry this year integrated all programs into the “Global Korea Scholarship” project, which has a budget of 51.5 billion won ($46.6 million).

The National Institute for International Education (NIIED), an agency under the ministry, oversees the scholarship program that is offered in some 120 countries around the world.

Korean embassies overseas or Korean universities recommend undergraduate or graduate hopefuls for the scholarship.

The scholarship students have to meet the minimum qualification; a grade point average (GPA) over 80 percent and grade three — out of six — in the Test of Proficiency in Korean.


USAID Scholarships for BS and MS studies at Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam

TANDOJAM: Directorate of Planning and Development, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, has announced that scholarships are available for BS and MS level studies for coming 2011 session at the university under USAID funded merit and need based scholarship program. The main objective of the program is to attract needy students in the higher education sector. The students who are expected to be enrolled in batch 2011 in MS (2 years) and BS (four years) are eligible to apply for this scholarship scheme. The directorate encouraged the needy female students to apply for 25 percent of the allocated slots reserved for females especially for those coming from remote and backward area.


Postgraduate Research Scholarships at Warwick Graduate School, UK

Warwick Graduate School is delighted to offer around 45 Warwick Postgraduate Research Scholarships this year, which include:
-The payment of academic fees at the Home/EU rate (£3,466 for full-time students in 2010-11)
-A maintenance grant in line with the UK Research Council stipend (£13,590 for full-time award holders in 2010-11)

Students and applicants who wish to apply for an AHRC doctoral award should apply to the WPRS competition and will automatically be considered for both competitions. More details on applying for an AHRC doctoral award are available here.

This competition, unlike most postgraduate funding, is open to Home, EU, and Overseas students from all disciplines at Warwick, and offers an equal award to all.

Applications welcomed from:
Applicants for a full-time doctoral course at the University of Warwick, expecting to begin in Autumn 2011.

Students currently enrolled on a three-year full-time PhD or MPhil/PhD (in the case of the Faculties of Arts, Medicine and Social Science), at the University of Warwick may apply in the first year of their registration only.

University of Warwick students currently registered on a “1+3″ course at a Doctoral Training Centre, who are in their Master’s year and expecting to start doctoral study in 2011-12. These students will be eligible for a three-year WPRS or (if paying overseas fees) a Chancellor’s International Scholarship.

University of Warwick students currently registered on the “2+2” MPhil > PhD course in the Department of Philosophy may apply for a postgraduate research scholarship in either (or both) the first and second years of their MPhil. Students applying in the first year will be eligible for a three year WPRS or (if an overseas fees-payer) a Chancellor’s International Scholarship. Students applying in their second year will be eligible for a two year WPRS, or (if a UK or EU student) a two year AHRC doctoral award, or (if an overseas fees-payer) a Chancellor’s International Scholarship. No student will be permitted to apply for a WPRS/Chancellor’s International Scholarship on more than two occasions. UK or EU Students will be eligible to apply (via a separate process) for an AHRC Master’s award to fund their two-year MPhil.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 31 January 2011


China to increase scholarships for Pakistan

Pakistan, China ties to scale new heights: PM

ISLAMABAD – Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani has said that Pakistan and China would continue to deepen their strategic partnership, expand economic ties and promote people-to-people contacts.

Speaking at a function held here on Saturday in the honour of visiting Chinese youth delegation, he said youth are analysts as well as leaders in this process.

The Prime Minister said during visit of the Chinese Premier to Pakistan, the two countries had agreed to take the relations to new heights especially in trade, economic relations and people to people contacts.

The two countries intend to double their trade from the current seven to 17 billion dollars in the shortest possible time, he said.

Pakistan and China have identified 36 projects for the next Pakistan-China five year development programme which includes projects in education, health, energy, information, communication technology, transport, agriculture and water conservancy. Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani said this year has been designated as Pakistan-China friendship year and youth would be focus of the activities.

PM Gilani said a number of programmes had been planned including increased contacts between universities, think tanks, mass media, film and television. Pakistan will send one hundred middle school students to China for understanding of the Chinese way of life, he said. There are about six thousand Pakistani students in China and the number is to increase to ten thousand.  China has also offered five hundred scholarship for Pakistani students. – Agencies


Masters Scholarship in Tourism and Leisure at Italy

For this scholarship, students should have any discipline degree

MIB School of Management of Trieste, Italy is pleased to announce a scholarship competition for applicants to the XI edition of the International Master in Tourism & Leisure. The Scholarship will go toward tuition fees to attend the XI edition of the International Master in Tourism & Leisure (October 2011 – October 2012).

The Scholarships will cover up to 70% of the tuition fees (equivalent to 12.600,00 EUR – twelve thousand six hundred EUR). The amount of the scholarships will be discounted from the overall tuition fees. In case of course abandonment or exclusion for any reason, no amount of the scholarship will be paid or reimbursed.

The candidates need to meet the following requirements:
- academic degree (or equivalent qualification) in any discipline;
- fluent working knowledge of English (a TOEFL, IELTS or PTE certificate is an asset);
- significant work and life experience is an asset;
- aged less than 30 as of October 2011.

In order to finalize the application, the following documents must be received:
- degree certificate;
- two letters of recommendation;
- if available a certificate which demonstrates an adequate knowledge of English such as TOEFL, IELTS or PTE (alternatively, verification will be made directly by the School);
- if available a deductive reasoning test score such as GMAT (alternatively, verification will be made directly by the School).
Scholarship Application Deadline: September 21, 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application


Scholarships for international students by Italian government

Scholarships are awarded by the Italian Government to foreigners as a contribution toward their studies and research in Italy, aiming at spreading the Italian language, culture and sciences abroad and at promoting cultural, economic and technological cooperation worldwide.

Scholarships/grants are awarded for study or research at the following types of legally accredited institutions:
universities or university or poly-technical institutes;
institutes for advanced artistic or musical training;
restoration institutes;
National School of Cinema;
research labs or centres, libraries, archives and museums associated with graduate and undergraduate university courses in which the candidate is obliged to enrol.

Grants may not be awarded for study in the following contexts:
foreign institutions (universities, academies, libraries, schools of any sort) even if located in Italy;
non-accredited private research centres or labs

Applicants may request Study grants for:
BRIEF LANGUAGE COURSES: possibly in preparation for enrolment in university and post-university degree courses in Italy.

INDIVIDUAL UNIVERSITY COURSES: All subjects are included; at the end of the course the grant holder will be required to pass the relevant examination.

DEGREE COURSES: Since enrolment in certain degree courses involves a selection process, in accordance with Law no. 264/99, applicants are advised to submit alternative study programmes, even at more than one university, in order to avoid suspension of the grant in the case of non-admission to the course of study chosen. The same type of study and degree must be maintained.

COURSES IN ADVANCED MUSICAL AND ARTISTIC TRAINING: To be completed at advanced music, art and dance training institutes (academies, conservatories, ISIA, etc.), at institutes of restoration and the National School of Cinema, for which a high school diploma is required.

ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE COURSES FOR TEACHERS OF ITALIAN: Italian language and culture courses are reserved for non-Italian teachers of the Italian language and university students of Italian enrolled for at least 3 years. Grants are awarded for the study of the Italian language, and the teaching of it, at the universities for Foreigners in Perugia, Siena and Rome (Roma Tre) or other accredited institutions that issue certificates of Italian as a Second Language (L2).

POST-GRADUATE UNIVERSITY COURSES: Courses for the Masters I and II level (of at least one academic year`s duration), doctorate in research and specialisations:

DOCTORATE IN RESEARCH. Each individual university has its own rules for admission to the doctorate in research, and it is recommended that these be consulted by checking the institution`s internet site. Since this is generally a competitive selection process, in order to increase the chances of success it would be advisable to apply to several universities. For grant renewals see III.13.

MASTERS. The diplomatic representations will see to it that grant candidates are informed of the high costs involved and the possibility that the masters programme will require studying in institutions outside of Italy, sometimes for months at a time. Moreover, admission to a masters programme often involves a selection process and a minimum number of students, therefore the grant holder should be informed of the real possibility of enrolling in the course since there is the risk of losing the grant benefit if the masters course is annulled.

SPECIALISATIONS. Excluding medical disciplines (see Law no. 257 of 08.08.1991).
RESEARCH: in all disciplines, with the obligation of enrolment in and attendance of undergraduate and post-graduate university courses. A letter of acceptance from the Dean of the academic institution is compulsory. At the end of the course the grant holder will be required to take an exam; such obligation does not exist for grant holders enrolled at the CNR, at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and at other similar research institutions.

Eligible Candidates
To be eligible for study grants (except the case of language course), students must have the following prerequisites: Knowledge of the Italian language

Knowledge of the Italian language is indispensable and must be certified or ascertained in an interview at the Italian Cultural Institute or at the Cultural Office of the local Italian diplomatic Mission or at the Italian studies Department of the applicant`s university.

Educational Credentials
Candidates must have the credentials requested for enrolment in the institution of their choice (see provisions issued by the Ministry of Education (MUIR) for 2010-2012 at

All credentials and certificates of study must be submitted along with their Italian translation, which must be certified as conforming with the foreign language texts by the Italian diplomatic Mission, i.e. by an official translator along with a statement attesting (dichiarazione di valore in loco) the authenticity of the credentials prepared by the Italian diplomatic Mission.

Degree courses at Italian universities: the candidate must have a secondary school diploma valid for the enrolment in a university.

Masters I or II programmes at Italian universities: candidates must have a degree equal to the Italian baccalaureate, along with any other documentation that may be required by the chosen institution.
Individual courses: the certificate of enrolment issued by the university for foreigners is usually sufficient.
Art and music institutes: it requires certification of having concluded a cycle of secondary school studies valid for admission to accredited State academies or conservatories.
Italian language and culture courses: a secondary school diploma is required.
Age Limits

The age limit for obtaining a study grant is cited in bilateral Cultural Agreement Executive Programmes. Where not expressly established, the age limit is 35 years old.

After registering at , applicants will be able to access a multilingual on-line application form.

Scholarships by Aga Khan Foundation

The Aga Khan Foundation provides a limited number of scholarships each year for postgraduate studies to outstanding students from developing countries who have no other means of financing their studies. Scholarships are awarded on a 50% grant : 50% loan basis through a competitive application process once a year in June or July. The Foundation gives priority to requests for Master's level courses but is also willing to consider applications for PhD programmes, when doctoral degrees are necessary for the career objectives of the student. Requests will also be considered for travel and study awards for PhD students doing their research in Third World countries on topics judged to be of interest to the Aga Khan Development Network. Applications for short-term courses are not considered; neither are applications from students who have already started their course of study.

2011-12 International Scholarship Programme application cycle is now open. Applications can be obtained from AKF offices or Aga Khan Education Services/Boards in your country of current residence. Deadline for submission of application is March 31st, 2011.

Before contacting the AKDN, please read the information below. Addresses and contact information are available under Application Procedures. In case you are looking for information about scholarships for your further studies, this list of scholarship links may be helpful.

Geographic Scope
The Foundation accepts applications from countries where it has branches, affiliates or other AKDN agencies which can help with processing applications and interviewing applicants. At present, these are Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Syria, Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Mozambique, Madagascar, France, Portugal, UK, USA and Canada.

Selection Criteria
The main criteria for selecting award winners are: l) excellent academic records, 2) genuine financial need, 3) admission to a reputable institution of higher learning and 4) thoughtful and coherent educational and career plans. Candidates are also evaluated on their extra-curricular interests and achievements, potential to achieve their goals and likelihood to succeed in a foreign academic environment. Applicants are expected to have some years of work experience in their field of interest.

Age Limit
Preference is given to students under 30 years of age.

Financial Assistance
The Foundation assists students with tuition fees and living expenses only. The cost of travel is not included in AKF scholarships. Applicants are requested to make every effort to obtain funding from other sources as well, so that the amount requested from the Foundation can be reduced to a minimum. Preference is given to those who have been able to secure some funding from alternative sources.

Loan Conditions
Half of the scholarship amount is considered as a loan, which must be reimbursed with an annual service charge of 5%. A guarantor is required to co-sign the loan agreement. The payback period is five years, starting six months after the study period funded by the Aga Khan Foundation.

Application Procedures
The application procedures of AKF's International Scholarship Programme are decentralised. Students may obtain application forms as of January 1st each year from AKF offices or Aga Khan Education Services / Boards in their countries of current residence. Completed applications should be returned to the agency from which the form was obtained, or to the address indicated on the front of the form. They should not be sent to Geneva. The deadline for submission of applications is March 31, although in certain countries internal deadlines may be earlier.

Applicants should be prepared to be interviewed by local Scholarship Committees about their financial situation, their academic performance, extra-curricular achievements and career plans. Interview reports are sent with the applications to Geneva for the final selection.

The annual Scholarship Selection Meeting takes place in late June or early July and the Aga Khan Foundation notifies all students of the outcome of their application shortly thereafter.


Institute for Global Environmental Studies (IGES) Internships in Japan

IGES is recruiting research interns for the Summer 2011 period (as stipulated in our Charter of Establishment) with the aim of promoting understanding of its strategic research. IGES internships offer an opportunity to gain on-site work experience, and are aimed at those who wish to play a part in interdisciplinary policy research toward sustainable development in the Asia Pacific region.

Interns must:
- Be postgraduates (location of graduate school does not matter).
- Be willing to learn from the on-the-job training at IGES (the internship is not a training programme for students to write an individual thesis, but rather an opportunity to experience real strategic policy research and operational activities).
- Satisfy the individual criteria outlined in the “Internship Overview” for the group with which you would like to spend your internship.
- The research intern should be proficient enough in English for the purposes of oral communication and writing of documents.

In principle, the internship should last a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 3 months (and must fall between 1 April and 30 September 2011).
(actual term to be decided after discussion between the research intern and their group)

For further information:

Master Scholarships at Seoul National University by Samsung Electronics

Samsung Electronics announces the launching of the Global Scholarship Program at the Seoul National University (GSP-SNU Program) for receiving the Master of Sciences Degree. This program is oriented toward brilliant students majoring in computer science, engineering, physics, and mathematics.

 Samsung Pays for Admission and Tuition
 Samsung Grants Money Allowance (USD 1,000 per month)
 Samsung Provides Dormitory for Living
 Samsung Internship is Available after Passing 75% of the Studies
 Samsung Offers a Position in South Korea after Graduation for 2 Years
 Samsung Offers a Position in Moscow after Work in Korea

The GSP-SNU Program is meant for students willing to receive the Master of Sciences Degree in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering. The education is conducted for 2 years at The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the Seoul National University.

General Requirements
1. B.Sc. or M.Sc. Degree
2. Major in Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, or Mathematics
3. Grade Point Average (GPA) more than 4.8
4. Excellent Knowledge of English
5. Possibility to present 2 references application:

The Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering has six departments:
1. Information, Telecommunication, and Radio Science
2. Control, Instrumentation, and Automation
3. Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits
4. Computer and Very Large Scale Integration Systems
5. Electrophysics and Lasers
6. Electric Energy System


Scholarships for Pakistani Students at Oxford University

Noon Educational Foundation Oxford Scholarships for Pakistani Students, UK
The Noon Educational Foundation was established in 1992 by Lady Viqarunnissa Noon to support scholars from Pakistan to study at leading universities in the United Kingdom. The scholarships at Oxford are funded by the Foundation, the University and a number of generous partners.

Applicants should be citizens of Pakistan and be resident in Pakistan. Candidates who have previously studied outside of Pakistan will not normally be considered. Applicants must be planning to return to Pakistan after completing their studies.
Awards are made based on the following key criteria:
* Academic merit
* Financial need
* The potential social contribution made by the applicant on their return to Pakistan
Applicants must be applying to start a course of study at the University.
What does it cover?
The size and duration of awards vary according to each scholar’s circumstances. In recent years these have ranged from partial awards (e.g. £3000) to fully funded scholarships (all fees and living costs).
Scholarship Application Deadline: 14 January 2011 for Said Business School applicants; 21 January 2011 for all other subjects( except-Medical Sciences and Philosophy)


LADIESFUND to introduce Master Scholarships at University of Karachi

LADIESFUND Networking Luncheon Series for professional women in Pakistan launched

By Asad Farooq

KARACHI: The Dawood Capital Management Limited (DCML) in collaboration with the British Deputy High Commission Karachi on Saturday launched Pakistan’s first LADIESFUND Networking Luncheon Series for professional women in Pakistan.

On the occasion, a first Pakistani magazine for working women and entrepreneurs’ entitled LADIESFUND Magazine was also launched.

Speaking on the occasion, CEO DCML and LADIESFUND Tara Uzra Dawood said the purpose of the ceremony was to build skilled friendship among professional and influential women in Pakistan.

Ms Tara said: “We thank the British Deputy High Commission for its friendship and overwhelming support of our initiatives at LADIESFUND to energise The Girl Effect in our beloved country.”

Providing world class opportunities for our talented and dynamic women will not only enhance their lives but also help our communities and country be truly optimized, she said.

Director Trade and Investment in Pakistan and British Deputy High Commissioner Karachi, Robert Gibson said: “We are very pleased to be able to partner with the DCML and LADIESFUND in hosting this networking event for female professionals in Pakistan.

In the UK only 10 percent of Board members of FTSE 100 companies are women. A London Business School study evaluates that woman’s lack of exploitation of networking is key factor in this.

Oliver William, Nobel Laureate for Economics 2009, evaluates that the cost of doing business significantly decreases if you do business with some one you know. “So the message is clear -Get Networking. We hope these luncheons can help us achieve this goal.”

The funds generated from this event will be used to support initiatives for women development including the LADIESFUND Fellowship and the LADIESFUND Masters Scholarship Programs at the University of Karachi. These programs aim to give opportunities to women and girls at the grassroots level.

The launch was hosted at the British Deputy High Commission, Karachi. The leading women professionals of Pakistan attended the event. The chief guest of the event, Nasreen Jalil former Naib Nazim of Karachi was interviewed during the event by Dr Ishrat Husain former State Bank Governor on women empowerment in Pakistan.


Stockholm University initiates Scholarships

The next academic year will be the first in which many foreign students will have to pay to study at Swedish universities. But Stockholm University hopes the number of overseas students will remain just as high as in the past.

Business school injects real life into MBAs (16 Dec 10)
Swedish universities suffer enrolment drop (24 Nov 10)
Stockholm universities top student wish list (23 Apr 10)

When university fees are introduced for many foreign students this year, it may mean that fewer people from outside the EU will be studying at Sweden's top universities.

Stockholm University, one of the country's most reputable seats of learning, expects overseas applications to fall, but wants to maintain the number of successful applicants at its current level.

Furthermore, Paul Parker, marketing manager at the school's external relations office, says the fees will greatly improve the quality of applications.

"We have had a very high number of applications simply because education is free. We will see more applications from students who are better qualified and a dramatic reduction in unserious applications," he says.

The continued ability of Stockholm University, Sweden's largest, to attract the best students, is due in large part to its location as the capital of Scandinavia and its access to Sweden's careers and jobs market in the capital city.

"Many people from English-speaking countries visit the website. Apart from visitors within Sweden, most of our traffic comes from Germany, the US, the UK, India, France, Italy, Pakistan, Russia and Iran," says Parker.

Officials expect that the most talented applicants of the future, like those of today, will be drawn by the institution's stellar reputation.

The school's international standing has improved significantly in both the latest Times Higher Education's World University Rankings, where it climbed to 129th place, and the Academic Ranking of World Universities, where it rose to 79th place.

Applications for admission in autumn 2011 close on January 17th, so exact figures on how fees have affected applications have not yet been compiled.

"This is the first time fees have been introduced and it is the first application period, so we have no statistics, but the likelihood as we've seen in Denmark and in the Netherlands is that [applications] will drop profoundly," he says.

According to Parker, the school receives each year many thousands of international applications. These applications lead in turn to offers being sent out a few hundred select students, though not all offers are accepted.

He estimates that the school will receive around 1,000 international students in the coming year. While many of these will be exchange students, a proportion will be master's students from outside of Europe.

As students from the EEA and Switzerland will be exempt from the fees, the university will continue to be an attractive option for European students.

In order that the most talented international students can still afford to come to Stockholm, the university is launching a new scholarship scheme to help them out.

In addition to the school's own scholarships, the Swedish Institute will continue to provide scholarships to the 12 countries that with which Sweden has long-term development partnerships.

"In the case of students coming from development agreement countries, the scholarships cover all costs, including living expenses," explains Parker.

"The universities also have scholarship schemes for talented non-EEA students from countries such as Russia and Turkey. Your fees are covered, but you must provide your own living costs," he adds.

Today, there are around 1,100 international students at Stockholm University. Two-thirds of them come to Stockholm through one of the 950 exchange agreements the university has signed with around 400 top international seats of learning.

Around 200 separate courses are available to exchange students. Both exchange students and those who study full courses in Stockholm are attracted by the close relationships between research and teaching.

They are also drawn to the informal first-name interaction between teachers and students - a sharp contrast to home for students from many other parts of the world, particularly for those from many Asian countries.

Stockholm University offers about 80 master's programmes, most of which are taught in English. The school also offers master's programmes in Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish taught in the respective languages. The January deadline applies to 200 study programmes and 1,900 different courses.

Popular programmes among international students include the University's School of Business, the Department of IT and Computer Science, Centre for Fashion Studies, the Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, the Institute for International Economic Studies, the Institute of International Education and the Department of English.

Applications for admission to Stockholm University for the autumn 2011 term close on January 17th.


PhD and Master Scholarships at University of Brunei Darussalam (UBD)

University of Brunei Darussalam (UBD) is offering Graduate Research Scholarship (GRS) from the Academic year 2010 to facilitate and promote Research Degrees. The scholarship scheme is offered to the citizens / applicants of ASEAN, Commonwealth, OIC Member countries.

To facilitate research degree in order to develop the University (UBD) into a research intensive university and also to expand and enhance the quality of graduate programmes and graduates.

Some of the key points of Eligibility are mentioned below:

* The candidates below 40 years of age at the time of commencement of the academic session.
* The applicant must have outstanding academic record throughout his academic career.
* The Applicant should submit Research Proposal with his/her application. Research Proposal should be as per the requirement of the UBD, mentioned on the UBD website above.
* The applicant must have completed 16 years Bachelors / or equivalent Degree for application in Master’s Program and PhD Program.
* The candidates must enroll in UBD in Masters (by Research) or Masters (by Coursework) or PhD (by Research) as a FULL TIME student.
* Candidates are required to have EITHER at least a credit 6 in English Language at GCE ‘O’ Level Examination or a grade ‘C’ in IGCSE English (as a Second Language) OR an IELTS score of 6.0 or TOEFL minimum overall score of at least 550 (PBT) or 80 (iBT)

Programmes Offered:
· 2 years Master (By Research and Coursework)
· 3 years PhD (By Research)

There are two intakes per academic year – One in Semester-I (August) and the other in Semester-II (January). The application deadlines are mentioned on the UBD’s websites mentioned below. Applications received after the deadlines will be considered for the next relevant intake:

Application Deadline is 31 March 2011

For further information about this scholarship visit below link.


About International Scholarships

For some organizations, international scholarships have been categorized depending on the level of education of students that need them.

These categories include:
Undergraduate scholarships: this category is meant for students who are studying to get their first degree mainly in colleges.
Postgraduate scholarships: this category has to do with postgraduate students which include those studying for their Masters Degrees (MA, MSc) and doctoral degrees (PhD).
Non-degree: It is for scholarships that do not have any specification about the students that can apply for them.

Some other organizations have specific areas where they operate. They could focus on giving international scholarships to foreign students in a particular country, students in a continent (North America, Africa, Europe, Asia and others) or sometimes students of a particular country in different countries. In other cases it could be for students studying in a particular specialty or field.

When applying for international scholarships, there is something that is inevitable- competition. Many students apply for international scholarships so when applying, your application should be impressive but also true. Some of these international scholarships could be presented due to a good application or due to excellence in an academic competition held.

Most organizations require excellent academic records so it’ll be very good if your academic record is impressive; if not, there are other international scholarships that do not require academic records.
These are few links to websites where list of international scholarships for different categories can be found and applied for.

Listed below is a list of organizations or foundations that offer international scholarships:

Aga Khan Foundation
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
SISF – Sato International Scholarship Foundation

Rotary Trust
Christian international scholarship foundation

Tonen International Scholarship Foundation
International Scholarship Foundation (Canada)
Lee Belas International Scholarship Foundation.
Fullbright Commission Scholaships
Islamic Development Bank

The foundations listed above are just few of the many that offer international scholarships.
When applying for international scholarships, make sure you follow all the guidelines correctly.

Scholarships at Boise State University, USA

To be considered for scholarships, students must do the following:
Turn in a completed application packet to the Admissions Office. An application is available online at

In order to automatically be considered for Boise State scholarships, students must submit all materials to the Admissions Office no later than Feb. 15.

Complete a 2011-2012 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). The online FAFSA application is found at

If needed for a specific scholarship, also complete a Supplemental Scholarship Application, available online at
The financial aid deadline for current Boise State students is March 15. Students who apply early have the best chance of being eligible for many limited types of federal aid. Early applicants also stand a better chance of ensuring that their funding is available when classes begin in the fall.
Please note that international students have earlier deadlines. Visit to learn more.
For more information, contact the Boise State Admissions Office at (208) 426-1156 or visit Scholarship information also can be found at


Postdoctoral and PhD scholarships at Giessen University, Germany

Giessen University's International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), funded by the German federal government's Excellence Initiative, offers a three-year structured PhD-programme in the study of culture.

The GCSC offers up to 9 PhD scholarships and 1 postdoctoral scholarship.

PhD scholarships include a monthly stipend of approximately €1.100 and are offered for one year with the possibility of two extensions, each of a year. The postdoctoral scholarship, with a monthly stipend of about €1.500, is limited to two years.

All scholarships start on 01st October, 2011. Acceptance of a scholarship requires participation in the study programme and the wide-ranging events offered by the GCSC, as well as active involvement in at least one GCSC graduate research group. PhD scholarship holders must register as PhD students at Justus Liebig University. There are no tuition fees for doctoral students at JLU, except for an enrolment fee of approximately €200 per semester. All scholarship holders are expected to take up residency in or near Giessen.

The GCSC invite applications contributing to the study of culture in various historical contexts as well as those analyzing contemporary phenomena The GCSC encourages applications from graduate students who have or expect to obtain a first or upper second class honours M.A.-degree (or equivalent) in one of the GCSC's academic subjects or in the arts/humanities, cultural studies, or social sciences. Candidates applying for a post-doctoral scholarship should hold a PhD in the arts/humanities, cultural studies, or social sciences, have an excellent academic record, and pursue a research project relevant to the GCSC's research areas. Fluency in either English or German is required.

Application Procedure
The main selection criteria are the candidates' academic qualification, the academic quality of the research proposal and the suitability of the project for the GCSC's research programme. Short-listed candidates will be invited to a 30-minute interview; telephone interviews can be arranged for candidates from overseas.
On 24th January 2011, the GCSC will host an Information Day at the Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Alter Steinbacher Weg 38, 35394 Giessen. The Information Day gives potential applicants the opportunity to meet the staff and students involved in the doctoral programme. You will also have the chance to obtain more information on the research areas and academic objectives of the GCSC, the wide range of interdisciplinary courses, colloquia, and conferences, the research support on offer, our international networks and partner institutions, as well as on publishing and funding opportunities available to GCSC-members.

More Information

Postgraduate scholarships at Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health, USA

The Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health is a unique collaboration between three institutions — the Bloomberg School of Public Health, the School of Medicine, and the School of Nursing – that harnesses the expertise of its dedicated health and medical professionals to address a myriad of global health challenges: HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, malnutrition, hepatitis and other threats to health, especially in developing countries.

In an effort to further the educational component of our mission, the Center for Global Health supports students who exhibit outstanding academic records and a strong desire to pursue global health careers. Each year, eight or nine scholarships are awarded to incoming MPH, MHS, and MS students in the Bloomberg School of Public Health. The scholarships are awarded through a competitive process and are open to all domestic and international students.

There is not a separate application for the Global Health Scholarship. Instead, all admitted students into the Bloomberg School of Public Health are considered for the award. You can only be awarded the scholarship as a new student; returning students are not eligible. If you wish, you may mention your desire for the scholarship in your admissions essay. The scholarship covers full tuition for the 11-month MPH program and for one year of a two-year MHS or MS program.


Study Oregon's extensive study guide

Study Oregon is delighted to share with you the launch of their collaborative 52-page interactive e-brochure that highlights 22 of Oregon's institutions of higher learning. The brochure includes an overview of the st ate of Oregon, search features to find out which schools offer which majors, pop-ups with student profiles, photo galleries, videos and more.  

Note that Flashplayer and hi-speed internet is required for full functionality; however, if you prefer to have a dvd version mailed to you, please contact Julie Walkin at

Study Oregon Interactive E-Brochure:

US university offers TOEFL waiver

Tennessee Tech University and FLS International have joined together to offer ESL and Conditional admissions for intensive ESL programs.  Students may start any week.  Also note students who complete level 7 may enter TTU without a TOEFL score.

This program helps students develop their reading, writing, vocabulary and listening & speaking skils. Students have the option of adding elective courses such as TOEFL, idioms, American slang and survival English. The FLS International course is located across the street from the Office of International Students affairs and the students have the option of living on or off campus in the residence halls or homestays.

For more information, visit

Master Scholarships at University of Warwick, UK

Warwick Manufacturing Group (now known as WMG) is an academic group at the University of Warwick, providing research, education and knowledge transfer in engineering and technology. The group provides taught and research degrees for postgraduate students at the University of Warwick campus.

Please check out their website:

Courses being offered        

WMG is offering competitive scholarships of £3000 to three Pakistani students. These are available to offer holders who will commence their studies in October 2011.
The deadline for these scholarships is: June 2011.

Applications will be considered during the first two weeks of July and winners notified soon afterwards. Winners will be selected on the basis of academic merit.